Documentation for 3.9.1
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Troubleshooting: using the self-diagnostics
When TextTest doesn't do what you expect it to, the best way to find out why is usually to enable its own logging mechanism for the relevant aspect of the functionality. This is enabled primarily by using the “Write TextTest diagnostics” check box under “Running” and “Advanced” tabs in the static GUI (-x option from the command line).
TextTest uses log4py for its own logging. To configure which loggers will output and where they will do so, you will need to edit the log4py configuration file. The location of this is set by the field “Configure self-diagnostics from”, in the same location as above (-xr on command line). It defaults to $TEXTTEST_HOME/Diagnostics/log4py.conf, and an initial file with everything disabled is provided with the TextTest download in this location (where the “tests” subdirectory is set as $TEXTTEST_HOME.)
You can then open this file and look at the various loggers in that file and enable any that seem to be related to your problem, generally by changing the “LogLevel” to “Normal” for it. Most loggers by default write a file to $TEXTTEST_HOME/Diagnostics, but of course you can configure it to write anywhere you like, either via the file itself or from the static GUI tab given above.
Some hints / examples:
  • My environment files don't do what I want!“ : enable “read environment”
  • My test data isn't found!“ : enable “prepare writedir”
  • My run-dependent text isn't filtering as I want!” : enable “run dependent text”
  • I want to see the generated command line” : enable “run test”
If you're still stuck...
It's time to mail the TextTest mailing list at sourceforge. We should be able to respond within a day or so.

Last updated: 05 October 2012