18Apr2014 - detailed test results for StoryText - version unix

(To start TextTest for these tests, run 'texttest -a storytext -v unix -c /usr/local/tt-env -d /carm/proj/texttest/Testing/Automatic')

unix: 535 tests: 530 succeeded 5 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on kilwa : swt appevents appevent_at_start ( Last six runs Apr2014 Mar2014 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< Expected application event 'row 3 to be added' occurred, proceeding.
> ERROR: Expected application event 'row 3 to be added' timed out after 60 seconds! Trying to proceed.
---------- Differences in recorded_usecase ----------
< wait for row 3 to be added

TEST FAILED on kikweto : swt appevents appevent_from_dialog ( Last six runs Apr2014 Mar2014 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< Expected application event 'shell to be created' occurred, proceeding.
> ERROR: Expected application event 'shell to be created' timed out after 60 seconds! Trying to proceed.
---------- Differences in recorded_usecase ----------
< wait for shell to be created
< # Whither this comment?
< # And this one?
> # Whither this comment?
> # And this one?

2 TESTS FAILED on kilwa :

---------- Differences in output ----------
< Expected application event 'rows to be added' occurred, proceeding.
> ERROR: Expected application event 'rows to be added' timed out after 60 seconds! Trying to proceed.
---------- Differences in recorded_usecase ----------
< wait for rows to be added
< # Make sure this comment gets placed correctly
> # Make sure this comment gets placed correctly
swt appevents event_data_is_category ( Last six runs Apr2014 Mar2014 )
swt appevents repeat_event ( Last six runs Apr2014 Mar2014 )

TEST FAILED on kikweto : swing internal_frames ( Last six runs Apr2014 Mar2014 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Exception in thread "Jython Shutdown Closer" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
> 	at java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedHashIterator.nextEntry(LinkedHashMap.java:394)
> 	at java.util.LinkedHashMap$KeyIterator.next(LinkedHashMap.java:405)
> 	at org.python.core.PySystemState$PySystemStateCloser$ShutdownCloser.run(PySystemState.java:1388)