24Nov2014.37 - detailed test results for StoryText - version unix

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a storytext -v unix -d /jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/StoryText/tests -reconnect /carm/proj/texttest-tmp/pegasus/storytext.unix.04Dec093221.122406 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a storytext -v unix -d /jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/StoryText/tests

unix: 550 tests: 545 succeeded 5 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ip-10-80-17-78 : swt browsers basic ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/StoryText/install/jython2.5.3/bin/jython: line 263:  1868 Aborted                 (core dumped) "${JAVA_CMD[@]}" $JAVA_OPTS "${java_args[@]}" -Dpython.home="$JYTHON_HOME" -Dpython.executable="$PRG" org.python.util.jython $JYTHON_OPTS "$@"
---------- Differences in output ----------
< ---------- Shell '' ----------
< Menu Bar:
<   &File (cascade)
<     Select &All	Ctrl+A
< ========== Browser ==========
< about:config
< =============================
< ------------------------------
< 'select all' event created with arguments ''
< Waiting for application event 'browser to finish loading' to occur.
< Updated Text Field
< ========== Browser ==========
< topleft     top               topright
< midleft     Image 'ring.png'  midright
< bottomleft  bottom            bottomright
< =============================
< Expected application event 'browser to finish loading' occurred, proceeding.
< 'close window' event created with arguments ''
> #
> # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in recorded_usecase ----------
select all
wait for browser to finish loading
close window

4 TESTS FAILED on ip-10-80-17-78 :

---------- Differences in recorded_usecase ----------
> wait for browser to finish loading
swt browsers table_header ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )
swt browsers table_header_in_cell ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )
swt browsers table_indent ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )
swt browsers tabs ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )