texttest -a storytext -v unix -c /users/pegasus/.local/storytext_test/ -d /jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/StoryText/tests -reconnect /carm/proj/texttest-tmp/pegasus/storytext.unix.17Nov145758.55981 -g
texttest -a storytext -v unix -c /users/pegasus/.local/storytext_test/ -d /jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/StoryText/tests
---------- Differences in output ---------- 2c2 < StoryText trunk is currently capable of recording and replaying. Any type derived from the listed --- > StoryText 3.11 is currently capable of recording and replaying. Any type derived from the listed 24c24 < The following lists the PyGTK widget types whose status and changes StoryText trunk is --- > The following lists the PyGTK widget types whose status and changes StoryText 3.11 is
---------- Differences in output ---------- 3c3 < StoryText trunk is currently capable of recording and replaying. Any type derived from the listed --- > StoryText 3.11 is currently capable of recording and replaying. Any type derived from the listed 28c28 < The following lists the PyGTK widget types whose status and changes StoryText trunk is --- > The following lists the PyGTK widget types whose status and changes StoryText 3.11 is
---------- Differences in output ---------- 3c3 < StoryText trunk is currently capable of recording and replaying. Any type derived from the listed --- > StoryText 3.11 is currently capable of recording and replaying. Any type derived from the listed 19c19 < The following lists the Tkinter widget types whose status and changes StoryText trunk is --- > The following lists the Tkinter widget types whose status and changes StoryText 3.11 is
---------- Differences in output ---------- 3c3 < StoryText trunk is currently capable of recording and replaying. Any type derived from the listed --- > StoryText 3.11 is currently capable of recording and replaying. Any type derived from the listed 24c24 < The following lists the wxPython widget types whose status and changes StoryText trunk is --- > The following lists the wxPython widget types whose status and changes StoryText 3.11 is
---------- Differences in output ---------- 2c2 < StoryText trunk is currently capable of recording and replaying. Any type derived from the listed --- > StoryText 3.11 is currently capable of recording and replaying. Any type derived from the listed 15c15 < The following lists the Tkinter widget types whose status and changes StoryText trunk is --- > The following lists the Tkinter widget types whose status and changes StoryText 3.11 is
---------- Differences in output ---------- 2c2 < StoryText trunk is currently capable of recording and replaying. Any type derived from the listed --- > StoryText 3.11 is currently capable of recording and replaying. Any type derived from the listed 20c20 < The following lists the wxPython widget types whose status and changes StoryText trunk is --- > The following lists the wxPython widget types whose status and changes StoryText 3.11 is
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1 < StoryText trunk requires at least Python 2.5: found version 2.4. --- > StoryText 3.11 requires at least Python 2.5: found version 2.4.
Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 300.0 seconds ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,70 > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "/jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/storytext/guishared.py", line 878, in describeAndRun > self.handleNewWindows() > File "/jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/storytext/guishared.py", line 865, in handleNewWindows > self.uiMap.monitorAndStoreWindow(window) > File "/jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/storytext/guishared.py", line 662, in monitorAndStoreWindow > self.monitorWindow(WidgetAdapter.adapt(window)) > File "/jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/storytext/gtktoolkit/simulator/__init__.py", line 193, in monitorWindow > storytext.guishared.UIMap.monitorWindow(self, window) > File "/jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/storytext/guishared.py", line 666, in monitorWindow > self.monitor(window) > File "/jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/storytext/guishared.py", line 671, in monitor > self.monitorChildren(widget, excludeWidgets) > File "/jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/storytext/gtktoolkit/simulator/__init__.py", line 182, in monitorChildren > storytext.guishared.UIMap.monitorChildren(self, widget, *args, **kw) > File "/jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/storytext/guishared.py", line 675, in monitorChildren > self.monitor(child, *args, **kw) > File "/jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/storytext/guishared.py", line 671, in monitor > self.monitorChildren(widget, excludeWidgets) > File "/jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/storytext/gtktoolkit/simulator/__init__.py", line 182, in monitorChildren > storytext.guishared.UIMap.monitorChildren(self, widget, *args, **kw) > File "/jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/storytext/guishared.py", line 675, in monitorChildren > self.monitor(child, *args, **kw) > File "/jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/storytext/guishared.py", line 671, in monitor > self.monitorChildren(widget, excludeWidgets) > File "/jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/storytext/gtktoolkit/simulator/__init__.py", line 182, in monitorChildren > storytext.guishared.UIMap.monitorChildren(self, widget, *args, **kw) > File "/jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/storytext/guishared.py", line 675, in monitorChildren > self.monitor(child, *args, **kw) <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 1,20d0 < < ---------- Window 'TreeModelSort Example' ---------- < Focus widget is 'GtkTreeView' < < Showing GtkTreeView with columns: Rem 0 , Rem 1 , Rem 2 < Button 'Add a Row' < ---------------------------------------------------- < < 'add row' event created with arguments '' < < Updated : GtkTreeView with columns: Rem 0 , Rem 1 , Rem 2 < -> 0 | 1 | 2 *** < < 'add row' event created with arguments '' < < Updated : GtkTreeView with columns: Rem 0 , Rem 1 , Rem 2 < -> 3 | 4 | 5 *** < -> 0 | 1 | 2 < < 'close' event created with arguments '' ---------- Differences in recorded_usecase ---------- 1,3c1 < add row < add row < close --- > receive signal SIGINT