28Nov2014 - detailed test results for StoryText - version windows

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a storytext -v windows -c /usr/local/tt-env -d /carm/proj/texttest/Testing/Automatic -reconnect /carm/proj/texttest-tmp/texttest-nightjob/nightjob_tmp/storytext.windows.04Dec030119.2684 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a storytext -v windows -c /usr/local/tt-env -d /carm/proj/texttest/Testing/Automatic

windows: 516 tests: 504 succeeded 9 FAILED 2 killed 1 known bugs

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on GEWOIA-VM-W7 : pygtk other_ui_features tree_view_handling add_empty_row_and_edit ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/gtktoolkit/describer/__init__.py", line 686, in describeUpdates
>     describe(widget, prefix=prefix)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/gtktoolkit/describer/__init__.py", line 60, in describe
>     describer(widget)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/gtktoolkit/describer/__init__.py", line 102, in __call__
>     self.logger.info(self.getDescription(widget))
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/gtktoolkit/describer/__init__.py", line 105, in getDescription
>     baseDesc = self.getBasicDescription(widget)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/gtktoolkit/describer/__init__.py", line 187, in getBasicDescription
>     return getattr(self, methodName)(widget)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/gtktoolkit/describer/__init__.py", line 443, in getTreeViewDescription
>     return describer.getDescription(self.prefix)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/gtktoolkit/describer/treeviews.py", line 179, in getDescription
>     message += self.getSubTreeDescription(self.model.get_iter_root(), 0)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/gtktoolkit/describer/treeviews.py", line 188, in getSubTreeDescription
>     while not colDescriptions[-1]:
> IndexError: list index out of range
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Updated : GtkTreeView with columns: Text
< -> The Row
< ->    ***
< Updated : GtkTreeView with columns: Text
< -> The Row
< -> New Row   ***
> ERROR: Could not simulate command 'set new text for <unnamed> = New Row' - Could not find row '<unnamed>' in Tree View
> Known names are ['', 'The Row']
---------- Differences in recorded_usecase ----------
> select row 
< set new text for <unnamed> = New Row

TEST FAILED on GEWOIA-VM-W7 : pygtk other_ui_features tree_view_handling choose_primary_key_column ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< Changed selection in GtkTreeView with columns: Bug No. , Status , Description
< -> 120595 | NEW | Custom GtkTreeModelFilter wrappers need   ***
< -> 120595 | NEW | Duplicated bug number
> ERROR: Could not simulate command 'select bug Custom GtkTreeModelFilter wrappers need' - Could not find row 'Custom GtkTreeModelFilter wrappers need' in Tree View
> Known names are ['120595', '120595 (1)', '120595 (2)']
< Changed selection in GtkTreeView with columns: Bug No. , Status , Description
< -> 120595 | NEW | Custom GtkTreeModelFilter wrappers need
< -> 120595 | NEW | Duplicated bug number   ***
> ERROR: Could not simulate command 'select bug Duplicated bug number' - Could not find row 'Duplicated bug number' in Tree View
> Known names are ['120595', '120595 (1)', '120595 (2)']
< Changed selection in GtkTreeView with columns: Bug No. , Status , Description
< -> 120595 | NEW | Custom GtkTreeModelFilter wrappers need
< -> 120595 | NEW | Duplicated bug number
---------- Differences in recorded_usecase ----------
< select bug Custom GtkTreeModelFilter wrappers need
< select bug Duplicated bug number
< select bug 

TEST FAILED on GEWOIA-VM-W7 : storytext_editor context_identifier ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< 'Entry' | Combo Box (selected 'Context=FakedContext, Type=Entry') (drop-down list containing ['Context=FakedContext, Type=Entry', '<span foreground="red">Type=Entry</span>']) | 'edited text' | Text entry
> 'Entry' | Combo Box (selected 'Context=FakedContext') (drop-down list containing ['Context=FakedContext', 'Context=FakedContext, Type=Entry', '<span foreground="red">Type=Entry</span>']) | 'edited text' | Text entry
---------- Differences in ui_map ----------
< [Context=FakedContext, Type=Entry]
> [Context=FakedContext]

TEST FAILED on GEWOIA-VM-W7 : swt NatTable multi_row_header ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< 'select column' event created with arguments 'First Name (row 2)'
< Clicked on cell labelled 'None'
< Column event Rectangle {2, 0, 1, 7}
< Clicked on column header labelled 'First Name'
< Column event Rectangle {2, 0, 1, 7}
< Clicked on column header labelled 'First Name'
< Updated Table :
< ____________________________________________________________
<               ID   First Name (selected)    DOB
<               id   name (selected)          birthDate
< ____________________________________________________________
< 1 (selected)  100  Mickey Mouse (selected)  1970-01-01 01:16
< 2 (selected)  110  Batman (selected)        1970-01-01 01:33
< 3 (selected)  120  Bender (selected)        1970-01-01 01:50
< 4 (selected)  130  Cartman (selected)       1970-01-01 02:06
< 5 (selected)  140  Dogbert (selected)       1970-01-01 02:23
< ____________________________________________________________
> ERROR: Could not simulate command 'select column First Name (row 2)' - Could not find column labelled 'First Name (row 2)' in table.
---------- Differences in recorded_usecase ----------
< select column First Name (row 2)

TEST FAILED on GEWOIA-VM-W7 : swt NatTable row_column_span ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )

---------- Differences in recorded_usecase ----------
< select cell First Name for 100 (1)
< select cell ID for 140
> select cell First Name for 100 (2)
> select cell First Name for 140

TEST FAILED on GEWOIA-VM-W7 : swt NatTable selection_changes_row_name ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )

---------- Differences in recorded_usecase ----------
< select cell First Name for 120
> select cell First Name for 10000

TEST FAILED on GEWOIA-VM-W7 : swt eclipse_rcp key_bindings ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )

---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< The following existing files/directories changed their contents:
< <Test Directory>
< ----usecases
< --------osgi_bundle_image_types
---------- Missing result in osgi_bundle_cache ----------
{u'com.ibm.icu': [],
 u'javax.servlet': [],
 u'org.apache.log4j': ['gif'],
 u'org.easymock': [],
 u'org.eclipse.compare.core': [],
 u'org.eclipse.core.commands': [],
 u'org.eclipse.core.contenttype': [],
 u'org.eclipse.core.databinding': [],
 u'org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable': [],
 u'org.eclipse.core.databinding.property': [],
 u'org.eclipse.core.expressions': [],
 u'org.eclipse.core.jobs': [],
 u'org.eclipse.core.runtime': [],
 u'org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility.auth': [],
 u'org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility.registry': [],
 u'org.eclipse.equinox.app': [],
 u'org.eclipse.equinox.common': [],
 u'org.eclipse.equinox.launcher': [],
 u'org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_64': [],
 u'org.eclipse.equinox.preferences': [],
 u'org.eclipse.equinox.registry': [],
 u'org.eclipse.help': ['png'],
 u'org.eclipse.jface': ['gif'],
 u'org.eclipse.jface.databinding': [],
 u'org.eclipse.jface.text': ['gif', 'png'],
 u'org.eclipse.osgi': [],
 u'org.eclipse.osgi.services': [],
 u'org.eclipse.swt': [],
 u'org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.x86_64': [],
 u'org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder': [],
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on GEWOIA-VM-W7 : swt tabfolder_click_tabs ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )

---------- Differences in recorded_usecase ----------
> select tab Item 0

TEST FAILED on GEWOIA-VM-W7 : swt toolitem_styles ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< 'select first item' event created with arguments ''
< Selected item 1 Style SWT.CHECK
< Updated Tool Bar:
<   Item 1 (check, selected)
<   Item 2
<   Item 3 (radio)
<   Item 4 (drop down)
<   ---
<   Extra Item 1 (check)
> ERROR: Could not simulate command 'select first item' - no widget found with descriptor 'Label=Item 1' to perform action 'Selection' on.
<   Item 1 (check, selected)
>   Item 1 (check)
<   Extra Item 1 (check)
<   Item 1 (check, selected)
>   Item 1 (check)
<   Extra Item 1 (check)
<   Item 1 (check, selected)
>   Item 1 (check)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in recorded_usecase ----------
< select first item

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

TEST had known bugs (GTK warnings) on GEWOIA-VM-W7 : pygtk error_handling file_choosers dialog_and_widget ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )

Indeterministic GTK warnings for unknown reasons. Probably GTK bug, or possibly test program error.
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'invalid (NULL) class pointer')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> target_ui.py:43: Warning: instance with invalid (NULL) class pointer
>   gtk.main()
> target_ui.py:43: Warning: g_signal_handlers_block_matched: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed
>   gtk.main()
> target_ui.py:43: Warning: invalid unclassed pointer in cast to `GtkComboBox'
>   gtk.main()
> target_ui.py:43: GtkWarning: gtk_combo_box_set_active: assertion `GTK_IS_COMBO_BOX (combo_box)' failed
>   gtk.main()
> target_ui.py:43: Warning: g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed
>   gtk.main()

Detailed information for the tests that were terminated before completion:

TEST were terminated before completion (TIMEOUT) on GEWOIA-VM-W7 : pygtk other_ui_features tree_view_handling tree_model_sort ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )

Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 300.0 seconds
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/guishared.py", line 878, in describeAndRun
>     self.handleNewWindows()
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/guishared.py", line 865, in handleNewWindows
>     self.uiMap.monitorAndStoreWindow(window)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/guishared.py", line 662, in monitorAndStoreWindow
>     self.monitorWindow(WidgetAdapter.adapt(window))
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/gtktoolkit/simulator/__init__.py", line 193, in monitorWindow
>     storytext.guishared.UIMap.monitorWindow(self, window)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/guishared.py", line 666, in monitorWindow
>     self.monitor(window)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/guishared.py", line 671, in monitor
>     self.monitorChildren(widget, excludeWidgets)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/gtktoolkit/simulator/__init__.py", line 182, in monitorChildren
>     storytext.guishared.UIMap.monitorChildren(self, widget, *args, **kw)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/guishared.py", line 675, in monitorChildren
>     self.monitor(child, *args, **kw)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/guishared.py", line 671, in monitor
>     self.monitorChildren(widget, excludeWidgets)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/gtktoolkit/simulator/__init__.py", line 182, in monitorChildren
>     storytext.guishared.UIMap.monitorChildren(self, widget, *args, **kw)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/guishared.py", line 675, in monitorChildren
>     self.monitor(child, *args, **kw)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/guishared.py", line 671, in monitor
>     self.monitorChildren(widget, excludeWidgets)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/gtktoolkit/simulator/__init__.py", line 182, in monitorChildren
>     storytext.guishared.UIMap.monitorChildren(self, widget, *args, **kw)
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/storytext/lib/storytext/guishared.py", line 675, in monitorChildren
>     self.monitor(child, *args, **kw)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< ---------- Window 'TreeModelSort Example' ----------
< Focus widget is 'GtkButton'
< Showing GtkTreeView with columns: Rem 0 , Rem 1 , Rem 2
< Button 'Add a Row'
< ----------------------------------------------------
< 'add row' event created with arguments ''
< Updated : GtkTreeView with columns: Rem 0 , Rem 1 , Rem 2
< -> 0 | 1 | 2   ***
< 'add row' event created with arguments ''
< Updated : GtkTreeView with columns: Rem 0 , Rem 1 , Rem 2
< -> 3 | 4 | 5   ***
< -> 0 | 1 | 2
< 'close' event created with arguments ''
---------- Missing result in recorded_usecase ----------
add row
add row

TEST were terminated before completion (TIMEOUT) on GEWOIA-VM-W7 : swt NatTable header_grouping ( Last six runs Dec2014 Nov2014 )

Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 300.0 seconds
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:/nightjob/texttest-daily-release/source/../../../TextTest/virtualenv/jython2.5.1/bin/storytext", line 25, in <module>
>     main(install_root)
>   File "C:/TextTest/virtualenv/jython2.5.1/Lib/site-packages/storytext/cmdline.py", line 135, in main
>     if not storytext.scriptEngine.run(options, args):
>   File "C:/TextTest/virtualenv/jython2.5.1/Lib/site-packages/storytext/cmdline.py", line 135, in main
>     if not storytext.scriptEngine.run(options, args):
>   File "C:/TextTest/virtualenv/jython2.5.1/Lib/site-packages/storytext/guishared.py", line 323, in run
>     return scriptengine.ScriptEngine.run(self, options, args)
>   File "C:/TextTest/virtualenv/jython2.5.1/Lib/site-packages/storytext/scriptengine.py", line 85, in run
>     self.runSystemUnderTest(args)
>   File "C:/TextTest/virtualenv/jython2.5.1/Lib/site-packages/storytext/javaswttoolkit/__init__.py", line 22, in runSystemUnderTest
>     self.run_python_or_java(args)
>   File "C:/TextTest/virtualenv/jython2.5.1/Lib/site-packages/storytext/guishared.py", line 355, in run_python_or_java
>     self.run_python_file(args)
>   File "C:/TextTest/virtualenv/jython2.5.1/Lib/site-packages/storytext/scriptengine.py", line 120, in run_python_file
>     exec compile(source, filename, "exec") in main_mod.__dict__
>   File "target_ui.py", line 147, in <module>
>     table = createNatTable(shell)
>   File "target_ui.py", line 52, in createNatTable
>     columnGroupHeaderLayer.addColumnsIndexesToGroup("Group 1", 1,2)
> TypeError: addColumnsIndexesToGroup(): expected 2 args; got 3
---------- Differences in output ----------
< ---------- Shell '' ----------
< Table :
< ______________________________________
<    ID   Group 1
<         First Name    DOB
< ______________________________________
< 1  100  Mickey Mouse  1970-01-01 01:16
< 2  110  Batman        1970-01-01 01:33
< 3  120  Bender        1970-01-01 01:50
< 4  130  Cartman       1970-01-01 02:06
< 5  140  Dogbert       1970-01-01 02:23
< ______________________________________
< ------------------------------
< 'select cell' event created with arguments 'DOB for 120'
< Updated Table :
< ____________________________________________________________
<               ID   Group 1
<                    First Name    DOB (selected)
< ____________________________________________________________
< 1             100  Mickey Mouse  1970-01-01 01:16
< 2             110  Batman        1970-01-01 01:33
< 3 (selected)  120  Bender        1970-01-01 01:50 (selected)
< 4             130  Cartman       1970-01-01 02:06
< 5             140  Dogbert       1970-01-01 02:23
< ____________________________________________________________
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in recorded_usecase ----------
select cell DOB for 120
close window