texttest -a texttest -v unix -c /users/pegasus/.local/texttest_test/ -d /jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/tests -reconnect /carm/proj/texttest-tmp/pegasus/texttest.unix.26Sep154311.123505 -g
texttest -a texttest -v unix -c /users/pegasus/.local/texttest_test/ -d /jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/tests
Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 300.0 seconds ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,19 > Exception in thread QueueSystemServer: > Traceback (most recent call last): > self.run() > self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs) > self.pollQueueSystem() > self.updateJobStatus() > self.setSlaveFailed(test, self.jobStarted(test, jobName), True) > failReason, fullText = self.getSlaveFailure(test, startNotified, wantStatus) > fullText += self.getJobFailureInfo(test, wantStatus) > return self._getJobFailureInfo(test) > return queueSystem.getJobFailureInfo(jobId) > text = gridqueuesystem.QueueSystem.getJobFailureInfo(self, jobId) > return header + self._getJobFailureInfo(jobId) > acctOutput, acctError = method(jobId) > proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdArgs, stdin=open(os.devnull), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) > RealPopen.__init__(self, cmdArgs, *args, **kwargs) > errread, errwrite) > raise child_exception > OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory ---------- Differences in catalogue ---------- 3a4,5 > --------dynamic_gui.<datetime>.<pid> > ------------slavelogs ---------- Differences in dynamic_gui_log ---------- 88,90c88 < Updated : Test Tree with columns: Tests: All 1 selected, none hidden , Details < -> TargetApp (hello) (black/white,bold) | (white) < -> Test (black/LightGoldenrod1) | RUN (juliaca) (LightGoldenrod1) *** --- > ERROR: Expected application event 'completion of test actions' timed out after 60 seconds! Trying to proceed. 92,134c90 < Updated : File Tree with columns: Test , Details < < ========== Text Info ========== < Running on <machine> < < To obtain the latest progress information and an up-to-date comparison of the files above, perform 'recompute status' (press 'F5') < =============================== < < Greyed out : _Kill < No longer greyed out : _Approve < < Progress bar set to fraction 1.0, text 'All 1 tests completed at <date/time>' < < Updated : Test Tree with columns: Tests: All 1 selected, none hidden , Details < -> TargetApp (hello) (black/white,bold) | (white) < -> Test (black/salmon) | KILLED (salmon) *** < < Updated : File Tree with columns: Test , Details < -> Comparison Files (bold) < -> errors.hello (salmon) | (salmon) < -> output.hello (salmon) | (salmon) < < ========== Text Info ========== <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in externalmocks ---------- 265,524d264 < <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v DISPLAY -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"" < ->OUT:Your job 7751587 ("Test-Test-HELLO") has been submitted < <-SRV:Completed submission of tests up to capacity < ->CLI:11598 < hello:Test < (itexttestlib.default < Running < p1 < (dp2 < S'category' < p3 < S'running' < p4 < sS'freeText' < p5 < S'Running on <host>' < p6 < sS'started' < p7 < I1 < sS'completed' < p8 < I0 < sS'briefText' < p9 < S'RUN (<host>) < p10 < p13 < asS'observers' <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Q: Submitting HELLO test-case Test to default SGE queue --- > Terminating testing due to external interruption ---------- Differences in usecase ---------- 4d3 < wait for completion of test actions 5a5,6 > receive signal SIGINT > receive signal SIGTERM ---------- Missing result in exitcode ---------- 1