texttest -a texttest -v unix -c /users/pegasus/.local/texttest_test/ -d /jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/tests -reconnect /carm/proj/texttest-tmp/pegasus/texttest.unix.26Sep154311.123505 -g
texttest -a texttest -v unix -c /users/pegasus/.local/texttest_test/ -d /jenkins/gotburh07p/TT.REDHAT.OPTIMIZE/.jenkins/workspace/TextTest/tests
Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 300.0 seconds ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,2d0 < WARNING: error produced by slave job 'Test-Basic-SLEEP.killing' < Not tonight, Josephine! ---------- Differences in catalogue ---------- 5d4 < ------------batchreport.sleep.killing 12d10 < ------------------------teststate ---------- Differences in output ---------- 3,15c3,4 < S: SLEEP.killing test-case Basic not compared: < ec2cloud job exited < ---------- Error messages written by ec2cloud job ---------- < Not tonight, Josephine! < < Results: < < Tests that did not succeed: < SLEEP.killing test-case Basic not compared: ec2cloud job exited < < Tests Run: 1, Incomplete: 1 < Creating batch report for application SLEEP ... < File written. --- > Terminating testing due to external interruption > T: Cancelling SLEEP.killing test-case Basic in ec2cloud (job ---------- Differences in pythonmocks ---------- 415,423d414 < <-PYT:boto.ec2.connect_to_region('eu-west-1') < ->RET:Instance('EC2Connection', 'ec2connection_eu_west_12') < <-PYT:ec2connection_eu_west_12.get_only_instances(instance_ids=[u'i-0da45f4e']) < ->RET:[Instance('Instance', 'instance61')] < <-PYT:instance61.remove_tag('TextTest user') < <-PYT:boto.ec2.cloudwatch.connect_to_region('eu-west-1') < ->RET:Instance('CloudWatchConnection', 'cloudwatchconnection_eu_west_12') < <-PYT:cloudwatchconnection_eu_west_12.enable_alarm_actions([u'stop-i-0da45f4e']) < ->RET:True ---------- Missing result in exitcode ---------- 1 ---------- Missing result in targetReport ---------- unrunnable=1 <today's date> SLEEP killing : 1 tests : 1 unrunnable Summary of all Unsuccessful tests follows... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following tests could not be run : In SLEEP.killing test-suite TargetApp: - SLEEP.killing test-case Basic : ec2cloud job exited Details of all Unsuccessful tests follows... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detailed information for the tests that could not be run follows... -------------------------------------------------------- TEST could not be run : SLEEP.killing test-case Basic (under Basic) ec2cloud job exited ---------- Error messages written by ec2cloud job ---------- Not tonight, Josephine!