texttest -a texttest -v unix -c /carm/proj/texttest/release/current -d /carm/proj/texttest/Testing/Automatic
Refresh icons appear momentarily when saving many tests (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'dynamic_gui_log' matching '^->.*gtk-refresh') ---------- Differences in dynamic_gui_log ---------- 182c182 < -> OutDiff (black/salmon) | output different (salmon) *** --- > -> OutDiff (black/salmon) | output different (salmon) | Stock image 'gtk-refresh' *** 215c215 < -> OutDiff (black/DarkSeaGreen2) | (DarkSeaGreen2) --- > -> OutDiff (black/DarkSeaGreen2) | (DarkSeaGreen2) | Stock image 'gtk-refresh' 231c231 < Changed selection in Test Tree with columns: Tests: 1/2 selected, none hidden , Details --- > Updated : Test Tree with columns: Tests: 1/2 selected, none hidden , Details
Kills the test twice under load. Impossible to reproduce under normal load conditions (This bug was triggered by text found in the full difference report matching 'Killing running test') ---------- Differences in dynamic_gui_log ---------- 59a60 > Killing running test (process id