texttest -a texttest -v windows -c /carm/proj/texttest/release/current -d /carm/proj/texttest/Testing/Automatic -reconnect /carm/proj/texttest-tmp/texttest-nightjob/nightjob_tmp/texttest.windows.01Oct020410.3848 -g
texttest -a texttest -v windows -c /carm/proj/texttest/release/current -d /carm/proj/texttest/Testing/Automatic
---------- Differences in overview ---------- 70,71d69 < <TR><TD bgcolor="#E2E2FF">Changes</TD><TD bgcolor="#E2E2FF"></TD><TD bgcolor="#E2E2FF"></TD><TD bgcolor="#E2E2FF"></TD><TD bgcolor="#E2E2FF"><FONT color="red">Aborted in Jenkins</FONT> < </TD><TD bgcolor="#E2E2FF"></TD></TR> ---------- Differences in overview_1month ---------- 70,71d69 < <TR><TD bgcolor="#E2E2FF">Changes</TD><TD bgcolor="#E2E2FF"></TD><TD bgcolor="#E2E2FF"></TD><TD bgcolor="#E2E2FF"></TD><TD bgcolor="#E2E2FF"><FONT color="red">Aborted in Jenkins</FONT> < </TD><TD bgcolor="#E2E2FF"></TD></TR>
---------- Differences in gui_log ---------- 110a111,112 > Updated : File Chooser for 'Reconnect to previously run tests' (selected <test write dir>/texttesttmp') >
---------- Differences in gui_log ---------- 178a179,180 > Updated : File Chooser for 'Reconnect to previously run tests' (selected <test write dir>/texttesttmp') >
---------- Differences in gui_log ---------- 123a124,125 > Updated : File Chooser for 'Reconnect to previously run tests' (selected <test write dir>/texttesttmp') >
GTK bug 596742 - Windows retains a reference to termporary file chooser directories until process exist (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'Access is denied') ---------- Differences in catalogue ---------- 5a6 > --------static_gui.<datetime>.<pid> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 0a1 > Could not change permissions to be able to remove directory <test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> : - [Error 5] Access is denied: <test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/temporary_filter_files'