texttest -a texttest -v windows -c /carm/proj/texttest/release/current -d /carm/proj/texttest/Testing/Automatic -reconnect /carm/proj/texttest-tmp/texttest-nightjob/nightjob_tmp/texttest.windows.30Nov020342.3032 -g
texttest -a texttest -v windows -c /carm/proj/texttest/release/current -d /carm/proj/texttest/Testing/Automatic
---------- Differences in gui_log ---------- 163a164,165 > Updated : File Chooser for 'Reconnect to previously run tests' (selected <test write dir>/TargetApp') >
---------- Differences in dynamic_gui_log ---------- 227c227 < -> OutDiff (black/salmon) | output different (salmon) *** --- > -> OutDiff (black/salmon) | output different (salmon) | Stock image 'gtk-refresh' *** 247c247 < -> OutDiff (black/DarkSeaGreen2) | (DarkSeaGreen2) *** --- > -> OutDiff (black/DarkSeaGreen2) | (DarkSeaGreen2) | Stock image 'gtk-refresh' *** 255c255 < Changed selection in Test Tree with columns: Tests: 1/2 selected, none hidden , Details --- > Updated : Test Tree with columns: Tests: 1/2 selected, none hidden , Details
---------- Differences in dynamic_gui_log ---------- 92,109d91 < Updated : Test Tree with columns: Tests: All 1 selected, none hidden , Details < -> TargetApp (gen) (black/white,bold) | (white) < -> Generate (black/LightGoldenrod1) | (LightGoldenrod1) *** < < Updated : File Tree with columns: Generate , Details < -> catalogue.gen (LightGoldenrod1) | (LightGoldenrod1) < -> created_1.gen (LightGoldenrod1) | (LightGoldenrod1) < -> created_2.gen (LightGoldenrod1) | (LightGoldenrod1) < -> generated_first.gen (LightGoldenrod1) | (LightGoldenrod1) < -> generated_second.gen (LightGoldenrod1) | (LightGoldenrod1) < -> generated_third.gen (LightGoldenrod1) | (LightGoldenrod1) < < ========== Text Info ========== < Filtering and comparing newly generated result files on <machine> < < To obtain the latest progress information and an up-to-date comparison of the files above, perform 'recompute status' (press 'F5') < =============================== < 111d92 < No longer greyed out : _Approve 117c98 < -> Generate (black/salmon) | KILLED (collhang.py) (salmon) *** --- > -> Generate (black/salmon) | TEXTTEST EXCEPTION (salmon) *** 120,121c101 < -> Comparison Files (bold) < -> catalogue.gen (DarkSeaGreen2) | (DarkSeaGreen2) --- > -> catalogue.gen (salmon) | (salmon) <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4,5c4,10 < Comparing differences for GEN test-suite TargetApp < Comparing differences for GEN test-case Generate (on catalogue.gen,created_1.gen,created_2.gen,generated_first.gen,generated_second.gen,generated_third.gen,output.gen) --- > WARNING: Caught exception while running GEN test-case Generate changing state to UNRUNNABLE : > Traceback (most recent call last): > method(*args) > self.collate(test) > self.extract(test, sourceFile, targetFile, collationErrFile) > os.remove(targetFile) > WindowsError: [Error 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: <test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/gen/Generate/created_1.gen'
---------- Differences in gui_log ---------- 110a111,112 > Updated : File Chooser for 'Reconnect to previously run tests' (selected <test write dir>/texttesttmp') >
---------- Differences in dynamic_gui_log ---------- 206a207,213 > Expected application event 'completion of background actions' occurred, proceeding. > ERROR: Expected application event 'completion of test actions' timed out after 60 seconds! Trying to proceed. > > 'quit' event created with arguments '' > > Changing GUI status to: 'Waiting for all tests to terminate ...' > 213,217d219 < < Expected application event 'completion of background actions' occurred, proceeding. < Expected application event 'completion of test actions' occurred, proceeding. < < 'quit' event created with arguments '' ---------- Differences in usecase ---------- 5c5 < wait for completion of background actions, completion of test actions --- > wait for completion of background actions, test Test2 to start final filtering and comparison
GTK bug 596742 - Windows retains a reference to termporary file chooser directories until process exist (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'Access is denied') ---------- Differences in catalogue ---------- 5a6 > --------static_gui.<datetime>.<pid> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 0a1 > Could not change permissions to be able to remove directory <test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> : - [Error 5] Access is denied: <test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/temporary_filter_files'