Documentation for 3.15
Testing a GUI with TextTest and a Use Case Recorder
This is a step-by-step guide to testing a GUI with texttest.
It assumes you have read and followed the instructions in the
installation guide. There is a fair
amount of overlap with the document
for getting started testing a non-GUI program, so it can be
helpful to read that first.
We will use a simple PyGTK 'video store' program as an
example – which comes with the download of PyUseCase. Most
of what is said here should apply to any use case recorder,
though. Text in italics is background information only.
The first step is to get your program using the use
case recorder of your choice, at least enough to be able to
create some simple scripts. If you have a PyGTK GUI, use
PyUseCase. If you
have a Java Swing GUI, use JUseCase.
If you are using Microsoft's .net, use NUseCase.
If you use another GUI toolkit – write your own use case
recorder and tell me about it!
First, create an initial application as described in
the guide for testing “hello
world”. The main difference is that you should check the box for enabling GUI-testing operations!
If you are using JUseCase,
you also need to set 'use_case_recorder:jusecase' in your config file. This is
because JUseCase uses Java Properties files rather than
environment variables for its interface, so TextTest needs to
know to generate these.
Setting 'use_case_recorder:none' is a useful trick if you want to enable the virtual display
functionality described here but don't want to use a use-case recorder.
(If 'use_case_recorder' isn't set, TextTest will set the environment
variables USECASE_RECORD_SCRIPT and USECASE_REPLAY_SCRIPT to the relevant locations, which are
the variables PyUseCase reads from when deciding the relevant files to read and write.
Other GUI simulation tools can of course easily be wrapped by a script that would read
the above variables and translate them into the format the simulation tool
First, we create an “empty test” as for “hello
However, command line options are
not sufficient to define a GUI test. We also need to define the
use case that will be performed with the GUI. To do this, we go
to the “Running” tab and then the “Recording”
subtab, and then click the “Record Use-Case” button
(or we just press F9 and don't bother with the tabs, as we aren't changing
any settings). This will start an instance of the dynamic GUI, as with running tests.
This in turn fires up our Video Store GUI in record mode. We simply
perform the actions that constitute the use case, and then close
this GUI.
The dynamic GUI will then turn the
test red and highlight that it has collected new files for us.
By clicking this red-line in the test view we get the view
below. The contents of the new files can be seen in textual
format in the “Text Info” window, or viewed by
double-clicking them if they are too large.
If we made a mistake recording, we should simply quit the
dynamic GUI at this point and repeat the procedure. If we are
happy with the recording we should save the results: press the
save button with the test selected.
Unless we disabled this from the
“Record” dialog at the start, TextTest will then
automatically restart it in replay mode, in order to collect the
output files. This operation is done invisibly as it is assumed
to always work – but (for example) PyUseCase produces
different text when replaying than when recording, and it is
that text we are interested in. It can be configured to also
happen via the dynamic GUI – this is useful if you don't
trust your recorder to replay what it has just recorded!
Messages in the status bar at the very bottom of the static GUI
keep you posted as to progress, anyway. When all is done, it
should look like this:
Note that the definition file is
now the usecase file recorded by PyUseCase. Naturally there
could be command line options as well if desired. This is much
the same as the final result of the “hello world”
set up.
Clearly, there is no need to run it once in order to collect
the output as we did with “hello world”: this is
built into the “Record use-case” operation.
Currently, if we run the test, the GUI will pop up and the
actions will be performed as fast as possible.
On UNIX, TextTest will try to stop
the SUT's GUIs from popping up, by using the virtual display server Xvfb
(a standard UNIX tool). For each run of the tests it will start such
a server, point the SUT's DISPLAY variable at it and close the server
at the end of the test.
It will use its own process ID (modulo 32768) as the display number to guarantee
uniqueness. After starting Xvfb, it will wait the number of seconds
specified by the environment variable "TEXTTEST_XVFB_WAIT" (30 by default)
for Xvfb to report that it's ready to receive connections. If that doesn't happen,
for example because the display is in use, it will kill it and try again with
another display number.
If you only have Xvfb installed remotely, you can specify machines
via the config entry “virtual_display_machine”. This will
cause TextTest to start the Xvfb process on that machine if it isn't
possible to do so locally.
On Windows, target GUIs are started with
the Windows flag to hide them, so a similar effect occurs. However, note
that this operation is not recursive, so any dialogs, extra windows etc.
that get started will (unfortunately) appear anyway.
We might want to examine the behaviour of the GUI for a test.
To do this, we set a default speed in the config file, using the
config file setting 'slow_motion_replay_speed:<delay>',
where <delay> is the number of seconds we want it to pause
between each GUI action. (This is translated to the environment variable
USECASE_REPLAY_DELAY which is forwarded to the system under test, or
the "delay" property if JUseCase is being used). For a particular run, we then select
“slow motion replay mode”, from the “how to
run” tab in the static GUI. This will force the GUI to pop
up for this run, whatever is set in the virtual_display_machine
In summary, our config file should look something like this: