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Version 3.11 is now released!
Added: 27 May 2008 by Geoff
Dear all,
As promised TextTest 3.11 is now available for download. There are lots of improvements, and a few things have moved around. I paste the whole ChangeLog below, whose formatting will no doubt get mangled by the sourceforge list software... As ever people upgrading should read the Migration Notes in the download, also available via the Help menu in the TextTest GUI.
Let me know of any problems...
New site for texttest released
Added: 08 Jan 2008 by Henning
As you probably noticed we have released a new version of the texttest site. We have still some smaller things to fix (like the ugly background) and if you find any error or have any suggestion of how to improve the site, please do not hesitate to contact us. You will find the old site here

Last updated: 05 October 2012