Documentation for 4.0
Measuring system resource usage
CPU time and memory consumption
TextTest is a very suitable tool for testing systems that
place substantial demands on system resources, for example they
may run for long periods and consume lots of CPU time, or they
may be very demanding in terms of memory. In this case it is
generally necessary to control this, so that changes to your
system do not suddenly result in it being much slower or
consuming much more memory. This document provides a guide to
how to set up such testing using TextTest.
In general, such values should be measured by the system
under test and logged to some TextTest result file. TextTest can
then be configured to extract them and compare them. On UNIX,
CPU time can also be measured and extracted automatically by
TextTest with changes only needed in the config file.
For each type of system resource tested, a small result file
is generated by TextTest containing a single line with the
relevant information in it. The name of this file doubles up as
a way to refer to the tested resource in the various config file
entries. For example, the file might contain this:
CPU time : 30.39 seconds on apple
Most of the performance configuration can be defined per tested
resource file in this way. Any identifier at all can be
provided, and if no configuration is recognised for that name
default settings will be used. All of the performance config
file settings that start with “performance_”
(described below) are “composite dictionary entries”
with the file stems as keys, it is recommended to read the file format documentation for what this means.
It is generally assumed that you may have more than one
machine at your disposal in order to run tests. Further, these
machines may not be identical, some may be faster than others.
For any comparison involving times, it is therefore essential to
say on which machines you intend for testing to be performed, or
it will be impossible to get reliable results.
This is done using the config file entry
“performance_test_machine”. This has the form below
The machine names should be either names of machines where you
want performance testing to be enabled, or the string “any”,
which indicates that performance should be tested on any machine
for this system resource id. Note that it may be very useful to
use the key “default” here, to save lots of repeated
A common move is therefore to set
which has the dual effect of disabling machine-based checks for all kinds of
performance testing, and enabling the builtin CPU time measurement, see below.
Running the test on any machine outside the list will still
work, but no performance-related information will be generated
or compared.
This is keyed in the config file by the identifier “cputime”
but generates a file called “performance.<app>”
for historical reasons (it used to be the only kind of
performance measurement). Enabling it is a matter of enabling
the config file entry “performance_test_machine” for
the system resource id “cputime”, as described
It uses the shell tool “time” to time the run of
the system under test, which works pretty reliably. Of course,
the CPU time of the whole test isn't always what you want –
in this case you will need to take over the measurement yourself
via the mechanism described below.
By default, only the user time is collected. You can include
the system time also by setting the config file entry
Any information present in any TextTest result file can be
extracted and treated as a system resource. First, you should
choose a system resource id for the resource concerned. You then
need to make sure that “performance_test_machine” is
enabled for this key (or “default”, naturally).
Additionally, you need to tell TextTest how to extract it. This
is done via the config file entry
“performance_logfile_extractor”, which has the
following form:
The <text_identifier> here is a string to be found in the
file to be searched. When TextTest finds that string, it will
take the word immediately following it and try to interpret it
as a number (note that you need to provide the whole string up
to the word beforehand, not just a part of it as for
“run_dependent_text”). It will also parse the format
hh:mm:ss for times.
A more general form of this is also possible since TextTest 3.23. You can identify where
in the string the number is found by using a regular expression group, identified using brackets.
TextTest will then iterate through all the groups in the match and take the first one which seems to
match its expected format.
In either case, it will then generate a file
<system_resource_id>.<app> in a similar way to the
performance file above.
For example, support we have this information logged to our file:
Time taken to load: 40 seconds
300 MB of memory were consumed.
We can then keep track of performance and memory by adding this to our config file:
load_time:Time taken to load:
memory:([0-9]*) MB of memory
The first case assumes the number appears immediately after the string given, the second that appears in the regular expression group
at the start. Note that in the first case, if the second colon were omitted, this would not work, as the number must be the next thing
after the string provided if no groups are given.
The file to be searched is identified primarily by the config
file entry “log_file”. This defaults to the standard output of the SUT, i.e.
the string "stdout" or "output" depending on your naming scheme. You may need to search
different files for different entries, in which case the entry
“performance_logfile” is of use. This has the same
form as above, except that the value is the file stem of the
file you wish to extract the information from. Since TextTest 3.22 it will also work to refer
to a file (by filename or UNIX file expansion) that has not necessarily been collated to form
part of the test comparison. For example, this will get CPU time information from standard output
and memory information from a file that matches the expansion given.
If you choose the
system_resource_id “memory”, the number will be interpreted as a
memory value in megabytes. Otherwise it will be assumed to be a time in seconds. These
units can be configured by setting the config file entry "performance_unit" to whatever
you want reported for your particular resource.
This special system resource ID "memory" will also cause
"performance_test_machine" to be set to “any”
by default, as memory is assumed to be less dependent on what
machine is used.
If you chose some other name for system_resource_id the number is assumed to be a time (in
seconds or hh:mm:ss) and will be displayed accordingly. If it decreases
the change will be reported as "faster(<system_resource_id>)". This
reporting can however be configured, via the config file entries "performance_descriptor_decrease"
and "performance_descriptor_increase". These should be a comma-separated 3-tuple
of <name>, <brief_description>, <full_description>. (The easiest thing
is probably to look in the
table of config file settings and examine
the default values for "cputime" and "memory").
Having set up such collection, it's probably a good idea to set (e.g. from the example above)
so that TextTest can use this measure with various other forms of performance-related functionality (which will otherwise use
the total CPU time if measured, i.e. the "performance" files described above).
The functionality affected is
- Which measure is displayed in the Text Info panel in the GUI when a test is selected
- Which measure is used in the GUI's Selection tab and equivalent command line settings (all the fields related to selection via performance)
- Which measure is used in the time field of junit-format batch results
- Which measure is used for "min_time_for_performance_force", if using parallel testing.
When you have just enabled such resource usage extraction,
you generally want to automatically extract the current values
from your existing result files for all tests, creating the
auto-generated system resource files. This avoids getting a lot
of “new file” results first time around. There is a
plugin script for this called
The files for comparison are not compared exactly. Part of
the point of testing things like this is that it is never
exactly the same: you need to set a tolerance. This is done via
the config file entry “performance_variation_%”,
which has a similar format to the ones already described. It
verifies that the percentage difference between the two figures
is no more than a certain figure.
There is also an entry
“performance_test_minimum”, which can be used to
say, for example, that a test must run for at least 5
CPU-seconds before it is worth comparing it.
By default the tests will show "failure" both on performance improvements and degradations. It's generally assumed that the user wants to be informed of performance improvements in this way so that the expected result can be updated and such improvements preserved. However, particularly in cases where the tests are managed by people other than the developers, it can also be useful to define an acceptable worst performance and have the test always succeed if it is better than that. In which case you should set "performance_ignore_improvements" to "true" and manually edit the stored performance to be this acceptable worst performance value.
(There is also a setting "performance_variation_serious_%", which acts in the same way as "performance_variation_%" as described above. If set to a larger value that "performance_variation_%" it indicates that performance exceeding this value should be treated as full failure of the test and not just marked as a performance failure. Currently it will only affect the colouring in the historical HTML batch report but at some point this will be applied in the GUI also)
Note that TextTest's policy with percentages is to always
usage the “percentage increase” (defined as <larger>
– <smaller> / <smaller>) which can be
surprising at first, especially if your test shows “100%
faster” as below! It was found to be easier to set the
tolerances this way because it leads to a symmetric situation:
7% slower and 7% faster mean the same thing. The more
immediately intuitive way of defining decreases as a percentage
of the current value leads to the situation where a 100%
slowdown today is counterbalanced by a 50% speedup tomorrow,
which can also become hard to follow.
This can now be overridden by setting the config file setting "use_normalised_percentage_change" to "false".
This means that percentages will use the more immediately intuitive "percentage change" (defined as abs(<newer>
– <older>) / <older>) Note that this has the effect that changes are no longer symmetric
and "performance_variation_%" is also interpreted in this way, which means that a test can succeed when making
a change but fail when reverting it. This setting should therefore be used with care.
When approving tests where differences in performance
have been reported, it is possible to approve an average of the old performance
figure and the new one, to prevent too much oscillation. To do this, fire up
the "Approve As..." dialog, and select “Average Performance” from
the radio button at the bottom of the dialog.
Below is what you will see in the dynamic GUI when you run
tests that fail in performance in this way.
There are two plugin scripts for this. For CPU time, use the script
“performance.PerformanceStatistics”. This will print
the amount of CPU time used by each test to standard output. Use
the option “file=<sys_resource_id>” to control
which resource is reported on. You can also compare with another
version, percentage-wise for each test, using the option
“compv=version”. To compare memory usage of “myapp”
version 1.3 with the previous version 1.2, for example, use
texttest -a myapp -v 1.3 -s “performance.PerformanceStatistics file=memory compv=1.2”