Documentation for 4.0
The TextTest Sandbox
handling test data and avoiding global side effects
When TextTest tests are run, it will try to write the output
of the system under test to a temporary directory structure
created specifically for this purpose. This is known as the
“TextTest sandbox”: its purpose is to provide a
totally separate environment where your system can create,edit
and delete as much as it wants without doing anything permanent,
and also an environment where test data can be provided in an
easily accessed way.
There is one created for each run of each test. It is created
under the directory indicated by the environment variable
TEXTTEST_TMP. If this variable is not set then the config file entry "default_texttest_tmp" will
be read, which in turn defaults to the value of $HOME/.texttest/tmp (on Windows $HOME
is formed from $HOMEDRIVE and $HOMEPATH). This is
hereafter referred to as the “root temporary directory”.
Each time TextTest is started, it is assigned a unique
identifier based on the version, the process ID and the time stamp at which the
run was submitted (the string “static_gui” is
prepended in the case of the static GUI). A subdirectory of the
root temporary directory is then created with this name. All
temporary files and directories created by this run will then be
created under this directory.
In the case of the dynamic GUI or the console interface,
tests are actually being run. This means that, for every test
being run, a temporary directory structure is created which
essentially mirrors the permanent directories which represent
the tests (see the guide to TextTest
test suites), so that each test is assigned a unique
temporary directory. All temporary files corresponding to
particular tests are then written to these directories. When the
tests are run, each test starts the system under test with the
corresponding temporary directory as current working directory,
with its standard output and standard error redirected to local
It will set the environment variable TEXTTEST_SANDBOX to
point out this directory, to aid in providing correct absolute paths
to programs that insist on them, or change current working directory internally. In
addition it will set the environment variable TEXTTEST_SANDBOX_ROOT which points to
the root of this structure (which in
turn will be a subdirectory of TEXTTEST_TMP). This will live for as long as the whole test run,
and can be used for temporary storage which needs to be shared between multiple tests.
It is imperative that you ensure any other files created by
the system under test are created relative to this temporary
directory, to avoid global side effects and to aid TextTest in
finding them. This should be possible by always specifying
relative paths in your test configuration files, which will be
interpreted relative to this directory for each run.
(In the temporary directory for each test case, TextTest
creates a subdirectory called “framework_tmp”. It
uses this to write its own temporary files, such as filtered
versions of the output, performance data etc.)
In the case of the static GUI, the temporary directory will
contain logs of each dynamic GUI run that is started from it.
These will write files in subdirectories labelled
dynamic_run<n>, with the numbers increasing for each run
that is started. When the dynamic GUI is closed, the contents of
whatever it wrote on standard error will be displayed in a
message box by the static GUI, as well as in a file in this
Sometimes the system under test needs to read some file
relative to the current working directory. TextTest allows you
to place such files in the permanent
test directory structure. You should then specify the
“link_test_path” config file entry as the (local)
file name of the file you want to provide. You can then refer to
a local file of the appropriate name in your options file
in that test case, for example.
TextTest will look for the file name you specify, using its
mechanism for finding
and prioritising files in the hierarchy. If it finds such a file (or
directory), it will create a symbolic link to it from the
temporary directory (UNIX) or copy it (Windows). If it doesn't,
it will silently continue, as it is regarded as a normal
situation to need test data files for some tests but not others.
The files can be given any name at all (unless the system
under test requires a particular name), and the normal extensions
of application and/or version identifiers can be applied to them as with
other files. These identifiers will be stripped from the copied or linked file name in the sandbox, which will be
as given in the config file.
Sometimes the system under test will itself edit existing
files. In this case, you will want to copy to the temporary
directory the file or directory structure which it plans to
edit, so that test runs are repeatable and do not have global
side effects. You can do this using the “copy_test_path”
config file entry, which will find files or directories to copy
in the same way as link_test_path, and indeed is equivalent to
link_test_path on Windows.
Note that TextTest will not insist on such test data existing for every test just because you have specified something in
"link_test_path" or "copy_test_path". If you want to be given an error message if a particular test data type is not present
for some reason, use the config setting "test_data_require". (Sometimes the SUT will not work at all without certain data available,
then it can be useful for the tool to know this)
So to insist on the read-only data file "my_file" existing, you can write
Sometimes it can be useful to have test data files and data structures stored in tests that can be merged with more general
versions higher up the hierarchy. This avoids having to copy information and maintain multiple copies. This can be achieved
by using
If my_file_or_dirname refers to a file here, this means that all versions of the file in the test hierarchy will be found and
an amalgamated file created in the test sandbox that consists of all them appended together, with the most "general" at the top and
the most test-specific at the bottom. This can for example be used for "settings" files.
If it instead refers to a directory, an amalgamated directory will be created from all of the ones in the test hierarchy, picking
the files from the most test-specific directory in case they
appear in several of them. This is useful in case most of the directories contain
the same files but you need to make small tweaks to individual files in the directory structure. (Note that in this case it will not amalgamate the
files themselves to each other if there are several of them - as data directory structures do not normally want this in our experience)
To constrast the directory behaviour, using "copy_test_path" instead will treat each directory as a separate
unit, i.e. it will take the entire directory from the most specific place in the hierarchy.
Sometimes an application
may need to read from a very large directory structure, and
potentially edit some files in it. Copying the whole structure
for each test run is possible but time consuming. It's better to
be able to copy just the parts that will be changed and link the
rest. This is done with the “partial_copy_test_path”
config file entry, in conjunction with the catalogue
creation feature (“create_catalogues” in the
config file). The first time the test is run, all the files are
copied, and the catalogue records which files are created,
edited and deleted. The next time, the structure will be copied
and linked as determined by what is in the catalogue file.
If any use is made of symbolic links to the master data, it
is generally recommended to make the entire “master copy”
of the data readonly, in case bugs in the application would
cause it to corrupt the test data. It is possible to tell
TextTest to ignore the catalogue file and copy everything again
if the file-changing properties of the test change : check the
“Ignore catalogue when isolating data” box
(-ignorecat on the command line)
It is also possible to take control over the copying operation and insert your own script to do it,
by making use of the "copy_test_path_script" setting.
The script in question will accept two arguments, the source file and the destination. It is called instead of
(not as well as) the default copy operation, so often consists of performing the copy and then making some
adjustments to the copied data. From TextTest 3.25 it is also possible to refer to environment variables set
in your environment files from within this script (e.g. TEXTTEST_SANDBOX, TEXTTEST_LOG_DIR)
Applications will often reference their test data structures
via environment variables. When these structures are isolated by
TextTest as described above, it can be helpful to update the
variables accordingly. There are two ways to do this, which are
fairly similar in effect.
The first is to simply refer to the environment variable
using one of the test data config file settings described above
(link_test_path, copy_test_path or partial_copy_test_path). For
example, you could write
This would take the value of the environment variable MY_ENV_VAR
as determined by the environment files and the external
environment, identify if it refers to an existing file or
directory, and if so, copy that as test data. The environment
variable will also be updated to point at the absolute path of
the copied location.
Alternatively, you can associate environment variables with
test data found via the normal mechanism. This is done via the
“test_data_environment” config file setting, which
is a dictionary. For example
For each name identified by link_test_path, copy_test_path or
partial_copy_test_path, you can provide an entry which will be
the name of an environment variable to set to the isolated
version of the data.
Note! In both of
these cases the environment variables will be set even if no
data is found. The assumption is that the system under test
might in that case want to create such data in an equivalent
If you specify a directory as test data, via any of the three
ways described above, it will be treated as test data
recursively in its entirety. Sometimes, however, some parts of
it are not really part of the data and should not be displayed
as such, either in the GUIs or in the catalogue files. If it is
version controlled via CVS it is for example likely to contain
CVS directories which we will want to ignore.
To achieve this, use the setting “test_data_ignore”.
The keys are names identified by “link_test_path”,
“copy_test_path” or “partial_copy_test_path”.
The values should be names (or regular expressions) of files or
directories under the relevant structure which should be
ignored. If a directory is ignored, so are its contents.
This has several effects. These files/directories will not be
shown in the static GUI (which will behave as if they didn't
exist) and changes in them will not appear in the catalogue
file, if there is one. If you are using
“partial_copy_test_path”, that means they will also
not be copied, ever: changes there are regarded as
uninteresting. It is thus a very bad idea to use this setting in
conjunction with partially copied structures, if there is any
chance of a write-conflict between several tests, or if files
will be created (and not deleted) by test runs in that place. In
the last case the directory would grow without limit.
When you quit the GUI (or the console interface terminates),
the temporary directory associated with the run is by default
automatically removed. It is thus important to approve any test
results that you wish to use again, either as the default result
or as a version.
It is also possible to run TextTest in “keeptmp”
mode. This means that the temporary directory structure of the
run is not removed when texttest exits.
Running in batch mode automatically
selects “keeptmp” mode for the temporary
directories. It may also be requested explicitly using the
“-keeptmp” option on the command line, or checking
the “keep temporary write directories” box in the
“side effects” tab from the static GUI.
Another option in batch mode is to provide "-keeptmp 0" which will remove all the temporary files at the end of the run exactly as in
interactive mode. This is not normally desirable because it precludes the possibility to "reconnect" to the run and view the results in
the GUI, or to do any detailed examination of any failures.
Ordinarily the TextTest sandbox is used both as a place to store the result files the test writes (stdout, stderr, log files etc), and where the application manipulates test data and writes its own files.
It can be useful to separate these things, particularly when using a grid engine to run tests in parallel. The test data and the application's own files
do not need to be visible anywhere else, so they can be directed to a local "tmp" disk. The result files, meanwhile, should be visible to the machine where
TextTest is running, and may want to be archived etc.
In this case you can either set "default_texttest_local_tmp" in your config file, or set the environment variable TEXTTEST_LOCAL_TMP, to an appropriate location. A common choice on POSIX systems is
The "sandbox" used for running the test (current working directory, and the location of $TEXTTEST_SANDBOX) will then be under this local location. But stdout and stderr files will be written to the
"normal" location under TEXTTEST_TMP, and any collated files will be written there. A new environment variable, TEXTTEST_LOG_DIR, points out this location where result files/logs are written.
Writing logfiles to the current working directory and naming them with your application suffix, as suggested elsewhere, will thus not work in this setup, because the current working directory is the
local sandbox, which is not the same as the log directory in this setup.
You either need to add them to [collate_file], in which case you won't see them until the test finishes, or use $TEXTTEST_LOG_DIR in your log configuration file. If your logging framework does not
expand environment variables (some don't) use "copy_test_path_script" as described above, and provide a script that copies the file while expanding its variables.
Up to TextTest 3.10 there was a separate mechanism for plugging in
log4x-style configuration files. As TextTest 3.11 can handle application and version-specific suffices
for test data this became redundant: so it now reduces to a special case of the test data mechanism.
As this is a very common usage of the mechanism it's documented here for completeness. If you don't
know what a logging framework is, see the appendix below.
We start by deciding on a name for our logging
configuration files. For consistency with TextTest 3.10 we will choose "logging".
So we need to tell TextTest to treat these files as readonly test data:
We should then place a file called "logging" in the root test suite of
our application, with only those logs enabled that we want turned on for
all tests, which is probably not many of them. We can then create test-specific
logging files for particular tests, by selecting that test, right-clicking
on "Data Files" in the file view, and selecting "create file" from the popup menu.
TextTest will then choose a logging file via its
mechanism for finding
and prioritising data files.
The system under test can then be configured to read a local file called "logging"
from the current working directory for its log configuration. In practice though,
this is likely to be inconvenient for uses other than testing, so you'll probably want
to use an environment variable or Java property to point it out. This is done as follows:
Assumes the SUT
locates the log configuration file via the environment variable
In a similar way you can make sure your "logging" file writes all the logs to
the current working directory, and names them with the appropriate suffix that your
config file also has. Then you won't need to do anything further. Sometimes
this leads to problems if your application changes directory internally, when
it can be a good idea to identify the absolute path. The easiest
way to do this is via the environment variable $TEXTTEST_SANDBOX described above
(or a proxy variable that is set to be the same as it in the tests)
It is naturally possible to conduct all your logging for
TextTest by writing just to standard output. However, there are
drawbacks to doing this.
- It isn't possible to have some log statements present
for some tests and absent for others.
- Where logs cannot be easily disabled, they can slow down
the system in production.
- You are compelled to log at one level only: it isn't
possible to separate high-level domain-relevant logs from
lower-level debug logs that will only be understood by the
Logging frameworks exist to solve these problems. TextTest
aims to handle their configuration smoothely and seamlessly to
make it easy to use them in your program when testing it.
We recommend you look at the log4x family of tools, for
example log4j
(Java) and log4cpp
(C++). Python has its own builtin "logging" module which works in a similar way.
However, it should be possible to plug in a wide variety
of logging frameworks, provided they support the features that
TextTest assumes, as described above.